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國 外 繁 育 者 的 九 條 戒 律

1.The only reason to be breeding purebred dogs is to preserve the best qualities of the breed. Breeding to supply any market is not a justification.
繁殖純種狗的唯一理由:是維護該純種狗的品質, 並不是為了市場需求。
2.You need to do all of your breeding with the best interests of the breed in mind. Never your pocket book
若要繁殖狗狗, 繁殖者自己要先建以概念:你喜歡的是繁殖狗, 並不是為了錢。
3.For this you need to be a serious student of the breed and devote years of your life to it. No "in one day, out the other".
為了繁殖, 你必須要全心的付出若甘年的心力。 不可以毫無準備, 就開始進行。
4.As a beginner you need to engross yourself in the breed as much as possible and ideally find a suitable mentor.
在身為繁殖者的初期, 你要儘量能全神貫注在繁殖方面。 另外, 最好是能夠找到一位賢明的繁殖者來指導你。
5.In order to be a serious breeder, you must show and compete.
要成為一位認真的繁殖者, 你必須主動的參加狗展、以及各項的競賽。

6.You need to keep track of all puppies you produce, whether pet or show, to know how your breeding program is working.
每一個賣出去的小狗, 你都必須要有聯絡方法來找到這些小狗。 不論寵物用途, 或者是參展,

這些都是讓你知道, 你的繁殖計畫如何進行。
7.All show puppies need to go on a contract that will not allow breeding unless the dog lives up to the quality intended and passes all health checks and certification necessary for that breed. If a prospective breeder does not want to do this, then I am sorry but they will have to mess with someone else's dogs not mine!!
所有的狗展上的幼犬需要建立不會用在繁殖用途的合約, 除非這只狗的品質跟健康合格, 而且符合品種條件。 若是這位買主並不想要簽下這個合約, 那我只能說很遺憾!他可以混到別人的狗, 但不是我的狗。
8.Every breeder owes to the breed and to themselves to be involved with rescue.
所有的繁殖者要有責任成為好的狗繁殖者, 並有責任參予維繫保持血統純正(不要使你所參與繁殖的純種狗從地球上消失)
9.Every breeder should be prepared to take any dog back for whatever reason. If they do not have the space, then they need to be prepared to make other arrangements. But take back they must!
每一位元繁殖者都需要有心理準備, 那就是買主可能會退還小狗。 若是繁殖者沒有空間飼養, 必須要馬上有所安排, 但是他們一定要接受退還。
