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歷史起源: 是一個現代品種, 如同東奇尼貓一樣, 孟買貓是美國在1970年代用緬甸貓和美國黑色短毛貓雜交培育出來的品種。

但在英國尚未得到公認。 由於其外貌酷似印度豹, 故此以印度的都市孟買命名。

原 產 地: 美國

習 性: 個性溫馴柔和, 且不怕生, 性格奇妙, 常不停地發出愉快的嗚嗚的低聲, 喜歡與人作伴, 所以不應長時間地冷落它。 不過和外表不一的是它的食量相當大, 抱起來覺得相當有份量。

繁殖方式: 胎生


頭 部 :頭及臉均為圓形

耳 朵 :大小適中, 尖稍呈圓弧形

眼 睛 :呈圓形, 為閃亮的古銅色

鼻 子 :鼻短

下 巴 :下頜頰發育良好

四 肢 :中等長度

足 掌:腳爪小,為橢圓形

尾 巴 :長度適中

披 毛: 毛短,緊貼身體, 毛質柔細, 質感細緻

毛 色: 毛色只有發亮的烏黑色



孟買貓是緬甸貓和美國黑色短毛貓雜交的變種.個體較大, 肌肉發達, 被毛烏黑油亮, 像印度的黑豹, 它的主要特點也是在被毛非常獨特:全身烏黑, 油光閃亮, 毛短, 緊貼身體, 向漆皮一樣, 手感宛如絲綢。 體型中等, 體形與臉形與緬甸貓相似。 骨骼結實, 筋肉強健, 四肢發達, 食量很大。 頭部為圓形, 鼻子短, 下頜發育良好。 眼睛呈圓形,

為閃亮的古銅色, 閃爍迷人的光芒, 因此有蒙娜麗莎之稱。 耳朵大小適中, 尖稍成圓弧形。

性格與外表相反, 相當溫柔, 喜與人為伴, 感情豐富, 被人摟抱時喉嚨會不停的發出呼嚕聲。


Breed Profile: Bombay

“I’d love to own a panther.”

This oft heard comment piqued the imagination of a prominent cat breeder, the late Nikki Horner, from Louisville, Kentucky. Ms. Horner set her sights on producing a copper-eyed black shorthaired cat with the exotic appearance of a "mini", or "parlor-panther." The black leopard of India inspired her choice of the breed's name. Ms. Horner began her effort in 1953 with the selection of a black American Shorthair male with deep copper eye color and a Grand Champion sable Burmese female. Through a long process of inbreeding and outcrossing and careful selection, she was able to consistently produce a black cat unlike any other.

The Bombay achieved CFA Championship status in 1976, eighteen years after it was created. Outcrossing to Black American Shorthairs and sable Burmese is still allowed.

It has been said that if you want a dog, a cat, or a monkey, you want a Bombay. Bombays can often be leash trained, most enjoy playing "fetch," and all are fond of inventing new ways to entertain themselves and the folks that live with them. Bombays are congenial and utgoing, and make intelligent, affectionate companions. They do well with children and will often act as a "greeter" with visitors. They live compatibly with dogs and other pets as well. The Bombay generally combines the easy-going temperament and robust nature of the American Shorthair and the social, inquisitive, lap-loving character of the Burmese.

With the exception of color, the Bombay and Burmese standards are very similar. Whereas the Burmese body presents a compact sturdy appearance, the Bombay body is of medium length, neither compact nor rangy, presenting a more lithesome appearance then its Burmese cousin. The Bombay's head is rounded with a short muzzle, but there should not be a "pugged" or "snubbed" look. The coat is the most defining characteristic of the Bombay. Its short, flat, gleaming, black-to-the-roots coat accentuates its rippling muscular form. And, along with its conspicuous gold to copper eye color, leads to the Bombay being described as the "Patent leather kid with the copper penny eyes."

Pricing on Bombays usually depends on type, applicable markings and bloodlines distinguished by Grand Champion (GC), National, National Breed and/or Regional winning parentage (NW, BW, RW) or of Distinguished Merit parentage (DM). The DM title is achieved by the dam (mother) having produced five CFA grand champion/premier (alter) or DM offspring, or sire (father) having produced fifteen CFA grand champion/premier or DM offspring. Usually breeders make kittens available between twelve and sixteen weeks of age. After twelve weeks, kittens have had their basic inoculations and developed the physical and social stability needed for a new environment, showing, or being transported by air. Keeping such a rare treasure indoors, neutering or spaying and providing acceptable surfaces (e.g. scratching posts) for the natural behavior of scratching (CFA disapproves of declawing or tendonectomy surgery) are essential elements for maintaining a healthy, long and joyful life.

There are CFA clubs devoted to the promotion, protection and preservation of the Bombay breed. For more information, please send inquiries to CFA, PO Box 1005, Manasquan NJ 08736-0805.
