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CFA標準:蘇格蘭折耳貓(Scottish Fold)




獲得該品種。而在美國,則是將美國短毛貓和英國短毛貓雜交。所有的純種蘇格蘭折耳貓的血統可追溯到一隻叫做Susie的折耳貓,這是該品種的創始人William和Mary Ross發現的第一隻折耳貓。
















藍色:藍色, 首選明亮的陰影色,鼻子到尾部色調一致。從毛根到毛尖顏色均勻。均勻的深藍色比不均勻的淺藍色好。鼻頭和足墊:藍色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。









貝殼瑪瑙色(紅金吉拉Red Chinchilla):下層絨毛白色,背部、肋部、頭和尾巴的毛尖為紅色,帶來閃爍的整體外觀。臉和小腿的毛尖有輕微的陰影色。下巴、耳朵飾毛、腹部和胸部為白色。鼻頭和足墊:玫瑰紅。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

陰影瑪瑙色(紅陰影色Red Shaded): 下層絨毛白色,毛尖的紅色從身體兩側、臉以及尾巴逐漸漸變,背部為深色,到下巴、胸部、腹部和尾巴下麵變成白色。腿和臉部是同一顏色。整體看起來比瑪瑙色更紅。鼻頭、眼睛輪廓和足墊:玫瑰色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。



煙色瑪瑙色(紅煙花色RED SMOKE): 下層絨為白色。毛尖為紅色,貓靜止狀態的時候,為紅色。行動時,白色的下層絨非常明顯。肢端和面部毛根的白色很少,必須分開毛髮才能看到。。鼻頭和足墊:玫瑰紅色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。


魚骨虎斑圖案: 斑紋細而密集,輪廓清晰。腿部環狀細紋分佈均勻,向上延伸與身體斑紋相接。尾部有細長條紋。頸部和胸部有明顯的項鍊狀斑,像非常多的鏈環。前額的的條紋為“M”形。眼角的紋路不間斷地延伸到後面。頭部的紋路與肩部相接。背部的紋路會合在一起形成狹窄的鞍形。渾身遍佈細紋。

斑點虎斑圖案: 身體上為斑點虎斑。斑塊可以是圓形、橢圓形或環形。這些斑點都同樣得到認可,只是無論形狀還是位置都必須很明顯。在不完整的魚骨虎斑花紋裡,斑塊不應聚集。背部的斑紋與身體一樣長,一直延伸到尾巴尖部。斑紋最好由斑塊組成。臉部和前額的紋路應為典型的虎斑紋路。腹部有“背心圓斑”,即兩串垂直的點狀花紋。腿部和尾巴有細紋。

麻紋虎斑圖案(TICKED TABBY PATTERN):身體的披毛有各種斑紋顏色和底色的陰影色。俯視時,看不到明顯的斑點、斑紋或者大斑塊,只能看到背部深色的陰影。顏色較淺的腹部可能可以看到一些虎斑紋。臉部、腿部和尾巴必須有明顯的虎斑紋路。每只貓脖子必須至少有一個明顯的環狀紋路。

補丁虎斑圖案PATCHED TABBY PATTERN:補丁虎斑是指銀色、褐色或藍色虎斑,拼湊了紅色和/或奶油色。

銀虎斑SILVER TABBY:底色,包括嘴唇和下巴,為灰白而乾淨的銀色。斑紋是濃厚的黑色。鼻頭:磚紅色。足墊:黑色。眼睛顏色:綠色或淡褐色。

藍銀虎斑(白臘虎斑)BLUE-SILVER TABBY (Pewter Tabby):底色,包括嘴唇和下巴,為灰白而清晰的藍銀色。斑紋為藍色。鼻頭:藍色或舊玫瑰紅帶藍色。足墊:藍色。

藍銀補丁虎斑BLUE-SILVER PATCHED TABBY:底色為灰白的藍銀色。斑紋為藍色和奶油色或有柔和的奶油色混合區域,處於身體以及/或者四肢。下層絨毛為白色。嘴唇和下巴的顏色與眼線顏色一樣。鼻頭:藍色或舊玫瑰紅帶藍色以及/或者粉紅色。足墊:藍色或舊玫瑰紅以及/或者粉色。

藍銀(白臘)BLUE-SILVER (Pewter):下層絨毛白色,毛尖的藍色從身體兩側、臉以及尾巴逐漸變淺,背部為黑色,到下巴、胸部、腹部和尾巴下面變成白色。腿部的色調與臉部一致。眼線、唇線和鼻線:藍色。鼻頭:藍色或舊玫瑰紅帶藍色。足墊:藍色。

紅虎斑色RED TABBY:底色為紅色。斑紋是濃郁的深紅色。嘴唇和下巴為紅色。鼻頭和足墊:磚紅色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

棕虎斑BROWN TABBY:底色為明亮的棕色。斑紋是深黑色。嘴唇和下巴的顏色與眼線一樣。後腿從爪到腳後跟為黑色。鼻頭:磚紅色。足墊:黑色或褐色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

藍虎斑BLUE TABBY:底色,包括嘴唇和下巴為發灰的藍白色。斑紋是很深的藍色,與底色形成明顯的對比。渾身折射出暖調的淺褐色或銅綠色。鼻頭:舊玫瑰紅色。足墊:玫瑰紅色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

奶油虎斑CREAM TABBY:底色,包括嘴唇和下巴為淺奶油色。斑紋是暗黃色或者深奶油色,比底色深,與底色形成明顯的對比,但屬於淺漸變色調範圍之中。鼻頭和足墊:粉紅色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

貝殼虎斑色CAMEO TABBY:底色為白色。斑紋為紅色。鼻頭和足墊:玫瑰紅。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

虎斑加白TABBY AND WHITE: 所有的虎斑花紋和顏色[銀色、藍銀、褐色、藍色(標準斑、魚骨斑、斑點虎斑、麻紋虎斑和補丁斑)、紅色、奶油色、貝殼色(標準斑、魚骨斑、斑點虎斑、麻紋虎斑和補丁斑)]外加白色。眼睛顏色:金黃色、深藍或金銀眼。金銀眼為一眼藍色,一眼金色,具有相同的色彩深度。

玳瑁TORTOISESHELL: 黑色帶有非斑紋狀的紅色和奶油色的色塊。色塊輪廓清晰,身體和四肢都有明顯的斑塊。額頭有可能出現紅色或奶油色的條狀色塊。眼睛顏色:豔麗的古銅色。

三花CALICO: 白色帶有黑色和紅色的非斑紋狀色塊。身體下側部分主要是白色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

淺三花DILUTE CALICO:白色帶藍色和奶油色的斑塊。身體下側部分主要是白色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

藍奶油色BLUE-CREAM: 藍色帶純奶油色的補丁。補丁輪廓清晰,身體和四肢都有明顯的斑塊。眼睛顏色:金黃色。





25 .. 耳朵

15 .. 頭型、鼻口、脖子、顎、側面輪廓

15 .. 眼睛

身體 (40)

10 .. 軀幹體型、腿、爪

20 .. 尾巴

10 .. 披毛

顏色 (5)

5 .. 披毛顏色和眼睛顏色


Breed Profile: Scottish Fold

In 1961 a shepherd by the name of William Ross spotted the first known Scottish Fold cat at a farm near Coupar Angus in the Tayside Region of Scotland, Northwest of Dundee. Ross asked the owners if he could have one of the kittens, and proceeded to develop the breed from the original, Susie, a white barn cat. The unique thing about this cat was that her ears folded forward and downward on her head. The resulting look gave the impression of a “pixie”, “owl”, or “teddy bear” that has captured the hearts of many American cat fanciers and judges. The Scottish Fold was granted championship status by The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) in 1978.

Scottish Folds come in two types: folded ear and straight (normal) ear. The folded ear is produced by an incomplete dominant gene and is the result of a spontaneous mutation.

Over the last two decades the Scottish Fold has developed a look all its own...even though allowed outcrosses include American Shorthairs and British Shorthairs. The Fold does not necessarily resemble the American Shorthair’s hard, powerful “working cat” body and squared-off muzzle. Nor does it look like the British Shorthair’s massive, compact body, short legs, and flat planed top-head. The Fold, instead, is a medium cat with a rounded, well-padded body and a short, dense, and resilient coat. It has large, round, broadly spaced eyes full of sweetness; well-rounded whisker pads and a short nose with a gentle curve in profile.

Scottish Fold kittens are born with straight ears. At about three to four weeks of age, their ears fold...or they don’t! It is usually around eleven to twelve weeks of age that the breeder can determine the quality (pet, breeder or show). Presently, only folded ear cats of Scottish lineage are permitted in the show ring, and naturally, every breeder wants to produce show cats. The straight ear progeny of Scottish Folds, nevertheless, are invaluable to the breeding program.

Due to the rarity of the Fold, AND due to the fact that not every kitten born has folded ears, it is very hard for the supply to keep up with the demand.

Scottish Folds are hardy cats, much like their barnyard ancestors. Their disposition matches their sweet expression. They have tiny voices and are not extremely vocal. They adore human companionship and display this in their own quiet way.

Scottish Folds adapt to almost any home situation and are as comfortable in a room full of noisy children and dogs as they are in a single person’s dwelling. They don’t usually panic at shows or in strange hotel rooms, and they adjust to other animals extremely well.

Scottish Folds come in any and all colors possible with the exception of those showing evidence of hybridization resulting in the colors chocolate, lavender, the Himalayan pattern, or a combination of these and white.

When inspecting a Fold for purchase, be sure to determine the flexibility of the tail and check the feet and legs. There must be no hint of thickness or lack of mobility due to short, coarse legs or splayed toes. Determination of tail flexibility can be accomplished by moving your hand down the tail in a VERY GENTLE, slightly upward-arching movement. With proper flexibility, this arching movement can be made without discomfort to the cat. Again, when doing this PLEASE BE GENTLE!

The Scottish Fold is an undemanding cat. A clean environment, proper nutrition, and generous doses of love are its only requirements.

Pricing on Scottish Folds usually depends on type, applicable markings and bloodlines distinguished by Grand Champion (GC), National or Regional winning parentage (NW or RW) or of Distinguished Merit parentage (DM). The DM title is achieved by the dam (mother) having produced five CFA grand champion/premier (alter) or DM offspring, or sire (father) having produced fifteen CFA grand champion/premier or DM offspring. Usually breeders make kittens available between twelve and sixteen weeks of age. After twelve weeks, kittens have had their basic inoculations and developed the physical and social stability needed for a new environment, showing, or being transported by air. Keeping such a rare treasure indoors, neutering or spaying and providing acceptable surfaces (e.g. scratching posts) for the natural behavior of scratching (CFA disapproves of declawing or tendonectomy surgery) are essential elements for maintaining a healthy, long and joyful life.

貝殼瑪瑙色(紅金吉拉Red Chinchilla):下層絨毛白色,背部、肋部、頭和尾巴的毛尖為紅色,帶來閃爍的整體外觀。臉和小腿的毛尖有輕微的陰影色。下巴、耳朵飾毛、腹部和胸部為白色。鼻頭和足墊:玫瑰紅。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

陰影瑪瑙色(紅陰影色Red Shaded): 下層絨毛白色,毛尖的紅色從身體兩側、臉以及尾巴逐漸漸變,背部為深色,到下巴、胸部、腹部和尾巴下麵變成白色。腿和臉部是同一顏色。整體看起來比瑪瑙色更紅。鼻頭、眼睛輪廓和足墊:玫瑰色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。



煙色瑪瑙色(紅煙花色RED SMOKE): 下層絨為白色。毛尖為紅色,貓靜止狀態的時候,為紅色。行動時,白色的下層絨非常明顯。肢端和面部毛根的白色很少,必須分開毛髮才能看到。。鼻頭和足墊:玫瑰紅色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。


魚骨虎斑圖案: 斑紋細而密集,輪廓清晰。腿部環狀細紋分佈均勻,向上延伸與身體斑紋相接。尾部有細長條紋。頸部和胸部有明顯的項鍊狀斑,像非常多的鏈環。前額的的條紋為“M”形。眼角的紋路不間斷地延伸到後面。頭部的紋路與肩部相接。背部的紋路會合在一起形成狹窄的鞍形。渾身遍佈細紋。

斑點虎斑圖案: 身體上為斑點虎斑。斑塊可以是圓形、橢圓形或環形。這些斑點都同樣得到認可,只是無論形狀還是位置都必須很明顯。在不完整的魚骨虎斑花紋裡,斑塊不應聚集。背部的斑紋與身體一樣長,一直延伸到尾巴尖部。斑紋最好由斑塊組成。臉部和前額的紋路應為典型的虎斑紋路。腹部有“背心圓斑”,即兩串垂直的點狀花紋。腿部和尾巴有細紋。

麻紋虎斑圖案(TICKED TABBY PATTERN):身體的披毛有各種斑紋顏色和底色的陰影色。俯視時,看不到明顯的斑點、斑紋或者大斑塊,只能看到背部深色的陰影。顏色較淺的腹部可能可以看到一些虎斑紋。臉部、腿部和尾巴必須有明顯的虎斑紋路。每只貓脖子必須至少有一個明顯的環狀紋路。

補丁虎斑圖案PATCHED TABBY PATTERN:補丁虎斑是指銀色、褐色或藍色虎斑,拼湊了紅色和/或奶油色。

銀虎斑SILVER TABBY:底色,包括嘴唇和下巴,為灰白而乾淨的銀色。斑紋是濃厚的黑色。鼻頭:磚紅色。足墊:黑色。眼睛顏色:綠色或淡褐色。

藍銀虎斑(白臘虎斑)BLUE-SILVER TABBY (Pewter Tabby):底色,包括嘴唇和下巴,為灰白而清晰的藍銀色。斑紋為藍色。鼻頭:藍色或舊玫瑰紅帶藍色。足墊:藍色。

藍銀補丁虎斑BLUE-SILVER PATCHED TABBY:底色為灰白的藍銀色。斑紋為藍色和奶油色或有柔和的奶油色混合區域,處於身體以及/或者四肢。下層絨毛為白色。嘴唇和下巴的顏色與眼線顏色一樣。鼻頭:藍色或舊玫瑰紅帶藍色以及/或者粉紅色。足墊:藍色或舊玫瑰紅以及/或者粉色。

藍銀(白臘)BLUE-SILVER (Pewter):下層絨毛白色,毛尖的藍色從身體兩側、臉以及尾巴逐漸變淺,背部為黑色,到下巴、胸部、腹部和尾巴下面變成白色。腿部的色調與臉部一致。眼線、唇線和鼻線:藍色。鼻頭:藍色或舊玫瑰紅帶藍色。足墊:藍色。

紅虎斑色RED TABBY:底色為紅色。斑紋是濃郁的深紅色。嘴唇和下巴為紅色。鼻頭和足墊:磚紅色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

棕虎斑BROWN TABBY:底色為明亮的棕色。斑紋是深黑色。嘴唇和下巴的顏色與眼線一樣。後腿從爪到腳後跟為黑色。鼻頭:磚紅色。足墊:黑色或褐色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

藍虎斑BLUE TABBY:底色,包括嘴唇和下巴為發灰的藍白色。斑紋是很深的藍色,與底色形成明顯的對比。渾身折射出暖調的淺褐色或銅綠色。鼻頭:舊玫瑰紅色。足墊:玫瑰紅色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

奶油虎斑CREAM TABBY:底色,包括嘴唇和下巴為淺奶油色。斑紋是暗黃色或者深奶油色,比底色深,與底色形成明顯的對比,但屬於淺漸變色調範圍之中。鼻頭和足墊:粉紅色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

貝殼虎斑色CAMEO TABBY:底色為白色。斑紋為紅色。鼻頭和足墊:玫瑰紅。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

虎斑加白TABBY AND WHITE: 所有的虎斑花紋和顏色[銀色、藍銀、褐色、藍色(標準斑、魚骨斑、斑點虎斑、麻紋虎斑和補丁斑)、紅色、奶油色、貝殼色(標準斑、魚骨斑、斑點虎斑、麻紋虎斑和補丁斑)]外加白色。眼睛顏色:金黃色、深藍或金銀眼。金銀眼為一眼藍色,一眼金色,具有相同的色彩深度。

玳瑁TORTOISESHELL: 黑色帶有非斑紋狀的紅色和奶油色的色塊。色塊輪廓清晰,身體和四肢都有明顯的斑塊。額頭有可能出現紅色或奶油色的條狀色塊。眼睛顏色:豔麗的古銅色。

三花CALICO: 白色帶有黑色和紅色的非斑紋狀色塊。身體下側部分主要是白色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

淺三花DILUTE CALICO:白色帶藍色和奶油色的斑塊。身體下側部分主要是白色。眼睛顏色:金黃色。

藍奶油色BLUE-CREAM: 藍色帶純奶油色的補丁。補丁輪廓清晰,身體和四肢都有明顯的斑塊。眼睛顏色:金黃色。





25 .. 耳朵

15 .. 頭型、鼻口、脖子、顎、側面輪廓

15 .. 眼睛

身體 (40)

10 .. 軀幹體型、腿、爪

20 .. 尾巴

10 .. 披毛

顏色 (5)

5 .. 披毛顏色和眼睛顏色


Breed Profile: Scottish Fold

In 1961 a shepherd by the name of William Ross spotted the first known Scottish Fold cat at a farm near Coupar Angus in the Tayside Region of Scotland, Northwest of Dundee. Ross asked the owners if he could have one of the kittens, and proceeded to develop the breed from the original, Susie, a white barn cat. The unique thing about this cat was that her ears folded forward and downward on her head. The resulting look gave the impression of a “pixie”, “owl”, or “teddy bear” that has captured the hearts of many American cat fanciers and judges. The Scottish Fold was granted championship status by The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) in 1978.

Scottish Folds come in two types: folded ear and straight (normal) ear. The folded ear is produced by an incomplete dominant gene and is the result of a spontaneous mutation.

Over the last two decades the Scottish Fold has developed a look all its own...even though allowed outcrosses include American Shorthairs and British Shorthairs. The Fold does not necessarily resemble the American Shorthair’s hard, powerful “working cat” body and squared-off muzzle. Nor does it look like the British Shorthair’s massive, compact body, short legs, and flat planed top-head. The Fold, instead, is a medium cat with a rounded, well-padded body and a short, dense, and resilient coat. It has large, round, broadly spaced eyes full of sweetness; well-rounded whisker pads and a short nose with a gentle curve in profile.

Scottish Fold kittens are born with straight ears. At about three to four weeks of age, their ears fold...or they don’t! It is usually around eleven to twelve weeks of age that the breeder can determine the quality (pet, breeder or show). Presently, only folded ear cats of Scottish lineage are permitted in the show ring, and naturally, every breeder wants to produce show cats. The straight ear progeny of Scottish Folds, nevertheless, are invaluable to the breeding program.

Due to the rarity of the Fold, AND due to the fact that not every kitten born has folded ears, it is very hard for the supply to keep up with the demand.

Scottish Folds are hardy cats, much like their barnyard ancestors. Their disposition matches their sweet expression. They have tiny voices and are not extremely vocal. They adore human companionship and display this in their own quiet way.

Scottish Folds adapt to almost any home situation and are as comfortable in a room full of noisy children and dogs as they are in a single person’s dwelling. They don’t usually panic at shows or in strange hotel rooms, and they adjust to other animals extremely well.

Scottish Folds come in any and all colors possible with the exception of those showing evidence of hybridization resulting in the colors chocolate, lavender, the Himalayan pattern, or a combination of these and white.

When inspecting a Fold for purchase, be sure to determine the flexibility of the tail and check the feet and legs. There must be no hint of thickness or lack of mobility due to short, coarse legs or splayed toes. Determination of tail flexibility can be accomplished by moving your hand down the tail in a VERY GENTLE, slightly upward-arching movement. With proper flexibility, this arching movement can be made without discomfort to the cat. Again, when doing this PLEASE BE GENTLE!

The Scottish Fold is an undemanding cat. A clean environment, proper nutrition, and generous doses of love are its only requirements.

Pricing on Scottish Folds usually depends on type, applicable markings and bloodlines distinguished by Grand Champion (GC), National or Regional winning parentage (NW or RW) or of Distinguished Merit parentage (DM). The DM title is achieved by the dam (mother) having produced five CFA grand champion/premier (alter) or DM offspring, or sire (father) having produced fifteen CFA grand champion/premier or DM offspring. Usually breeders make kittens available between twelve and sixteen weeks of age. After twelve weeks, kittens have had their basic inoculations and developed the physical and social stability needed for a new environment, showing, or being transported by air. Keeping such a rare treasure indoors, neutering or spaying and providing acceptable surfaces (e.g. scratching posts) for the natural behavior of scratching (CFA disapproves of declawing or tendonectomy surgery) are essential elements for maintaining a healthy, long and joyful life.
